Dr. Wellness Wonders

Simple Diet Can Transform Your Blood Pressure: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Magic of a Simple Diet

Introduction: In the whirlwind of life, only simple diet can transform your blood pressure. High blood pressure, a silent adversary, creeps in unnoticed, demanding attention. So, let’s take a journey together, unraveling the power of a mindful diet in transforming our blood pressure. Section 1: The Silent Menace of High Blood Pressure Imagine this: a

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Unraveling the Impact: Malaria’s Surge Amidst Changing Climates and Global Challenges

In the wake of shifting global dynamics, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) recently unveiled a stark reality: an alarming surge in malaria cases, surpassing the pre-Covid era, with an estimated 249 million instances recorded worldwide in the past year. This significant uptick of five million cases from 2021 has positioned malaria, particularly in children, as

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Human cell-based tiny robots repair injured tissue

Researchers have created minuscule human cell robots that can mend injured brain tissue1. Human tracheal cells were used to create the “anthrobots,” which may one day be employed in personalized therapy. According to bioengineer Alex Hughes of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, the research “points the way to a ’tissue engineering 2.0′ that synthetically

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China’s respiratory disease rate is rising because of identified germs

As the nation prepares for its first full winter after easing stringent COVID-19 regulations, a health official stated on Saturday that the rise in respiratory illnesses in China is due to known infections and that there are no indications of new infectious diseases. The World Health Organization requested information last week on clusters of undetected

China’s respiratory disease rate is rising because of identified germs Read More »

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